Friday, May 27, 2011

Girl's Clubs

My mom and I go to a Girl's Club.  We learn about famous women such as Molly Pitcher, Amelia Earhart, and Helen Keller.  This time we learned about Emily Dickinson, a famous poet.  I lead the discussion.  Some questions I asked were:
How are you like or unlike Emily? What do you think about her?

Since it was St. Patrick's Day, my mom brought green Jell-O, which was quickly eaten.  We also had strawberries and bananas in a strawberry cream dip.

I also have a different Girl's Club, called the "Literary Girls". My mom and I are always in charge. We practice plays and share stories and play games. It is a lot of fun.

1 comment:

  1. I love girls club, too Dorathy! I'm so excited for our end of the year party in is going to be have a wonderful display of paintings to share! :)
