Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vacation Part 1: Yellowstone

We went to Yellowstone for vacation.

Day 1:
We drove all day.
We arrived at the KOA Campgrounds in Idaho at 11:00.  Grandpa Dotson arrived, too!!!

Day  2:
We stayed at the campgrounds for awhile, then went to Craters of the Moon.  I almost got lost!  
Then we hiked in a lava tube and had lunch.  I bought a cute little fox finger puppet that I named Phoxy.
After that we went to my Uncle Jared Dotson's house.  He had a daughter named Caylee.  We had fun playing, then we went to bed.

Day 3: 
We went to church and  I went to Caylee's class.  We had a lot of fun.  Then we went home and played.  Caylee had a toy dog named Alpha, but she spelled it Alfa.  He and Phoxy soon became fast friends. We made little nests of grass for them, and taught them how to climb trees, and they even went to a pretend spa.  We did the spa by taking  them to the upstairs bathroom, getting them wet with a washcloth, combing their fur and blow-drying it.  Then we made them collars and played some more.  After that we ate some dinner and went for a walk.  We came by a playground and played there.  There were 4 springy horses named Champ, Lucky, Jumper and I don't remember the other one.  I got on Lucky.  Then me and Caylee went on the swings.  Then we walked home.

Continued in part 2

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