Thursday, January 26, 2012
Friends- Chapter two
Chapter 2
Chyta has some uninvited party guests
Cake splattered all over Chyta's face.
Belize just sat there, looking stunned.
Thessper slunk out of sight, hissing.
Laying in front of them, in the now spoiled cake, lay two flying lionesses, rather similar to Chyta.
The first was a cream color, the other was a sky-blue color.
The cream colored one had glasses, and the blue one had a leather pouch covered with beads. Chyta supposed that she had decorated it herself. The beads were the same color as a flower right after a rainstorm: beautiful.
The cream colored flying lioness groaned because her glasses were covered with coconut frosting, and the blue one licked the cake off of her own face, laughing.
Belize recovered from her shock. She usually let Chyta and Thessper do the talking, but when she was angry, her tiger temper got the better of her.
"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" she roared, while the lionesses cringed at this unexpected turn of events.
"Calm down, Belize," soothed Chyta. "Your yelling is waking up the whole forest! It's Saturday, you know, and the monkeys especially like to sleep in."
Sure enough, monkeys began angrily poking weary heads out of the forest, and the snakes and even other tigers got up to see what all the commotion was about.
"Go back to bed, it'sssss nothing," Thessper assured them.
"Alright, now about you two troublemakers," Chyta said, turning to the flying lionesses. She folded her arms, and said, trying to control her temper, in a quavery voice: "Explain yourselves."
"We-ll-l," began the cream colored one, "We were lost, because Thinacy here" (she gestured at the blue one with dislike) "tried to teleport us to food, and we ran into those helicopters up there" (she pointed to the sky where three helicopters were flying) "or, rather, they ran into us, so Thinacy tried again, and we landed splat! in your birthday cake- wait, how old are you?" she asked.
"Well then, if you must know, I'm now 152," grumbled Chyta.
Thinacy's mouth dropped open.
"What's your name?" the cream one asked.
"Chyta," Chyta said. "Yours?"
"Kimcy," offered the cream colored one.
"Sorry we spoiled your cake," said Thinacy. "It looks... delicious!" She hovered over the mess of cake.
"We'll be going now," Kimcy said firmly. She grabbed Thinacy's paw and flew upwards.
She fell back down.
"Sorry, Kimcy," she said, full of uncontrollable laughter,"but this island is surrounded by a barrier!" "Isn't there some sort of spell that can get us out of here?" Thinacy complained.
Chyta thought awhile. I do know a simple spell, she thought. She may take it literally, though. She may be offended, said the negative voice in her head. She shook it.
"Yes," she grinned finally, "but I need three to do it."
"Okay," Kimcy grumbled eventually.
"First, we close our eyes and imagine," said Chyta, "A simple symbol. Got it?" They nodded.
"Alright, now we all have to draw our symbols in the dirt. Ready? Set? Go."
She drew a star. Kimcy drew a diamond, and Thinacy drew a heart.
"Now we close our eyes again. Focus on your symbol, while I say the spell," Chyta said finally.
She cleared her throat and said: "GET US OUT OF HERE!"
They found themselves above the island. But they looked at their tails, and there, instead of a tassel, was their symbol.
" 'Get us out of here?' " Kimcy was puzzled.
"Look, I didn't make it up!" Said Chyta. But her words were cut off short as she suddenly stared behind an astonished Thinacy, looking pale. "Look out, Thinacy!"
Friends- Chapter one
Chapter 1:
Meet Chyta
Yawn," Chyta stretched, picking up a list, which said:
My Birthday List
and checked off the first item," Wake up".
Her two best friends, Belize, the Bengal tiger, and Thessper, the Boa Constrictor, also yawned.
Thessper slept curled around one part of the bed, and Belize slept at the foot.
"What is next on my very lazy list of things to do?" She asked herself, checking. She couldn't read Belize's cursive.
Thessper looked at her.
"Wasssssn't it exxxcersssize?" He hissed.
"Ah yes, exercise. What kind?"
Chyta thought a bit.
"Oh yeah, flying."
She unfolded her wings and flew around her island, her blue-grey hair whipping her face.
Chyta stopped, and rested on a palm tree. "Boy, that was fun," she laughed.
She checked off "Exercise."
She looked at her list, which said, translated again by Thessper, "Make a birthday cake".
"Okay", she said, rubbing her paws in anticipation.
Chyta washed her paws at the big waterfall, and with her friends' help collected her ingredients:
Peacock eggs,
Sea salt,
Tropical flours,
Coconut milk,
Coconut cream,
Fresh cacao chocolate,
Diet baking soda (Chyta was very firm about her sugar level)
Baking magic powder,
Sugar cane,
and a little palm leaf.
And before any of them knew it, there was a lovely 3 layer chocolate cake with coconut frosting, topped with roses, pineapple, and the little bit of palm leaf sitting before them.
Chyta licked her lips and set it down to cool, marking off "Make a birthday cake".
She checked her list again. It was, translated, "Eat lunch".
Belize and Chyta creeped into the small forest to their left, and caught toucans for both, although Thessper wanted mice and eggs.
"Fried bird a la mood," Chyta joked, roasting it.
They ate them with tropical dressing, and checked off "Eat lunch".
Chyta looked at her list again. Next was to "Have birthday party".
She looked at her presents to herself, wrapped in a pile to her right, and her presents from Belize and Thessper, to her left.
"I'll open them after cake," she decided.
Belize and Thessper sang:
"Happy birthday to you,
You're 152,
Happy birthday, dear Chyta-"
Chyta picked up her cake, opening her mouth-
"Happy birthday to..."
Friends- table of contents, introduction
by Dorathy Dotson
Published by A Young Writer's Magnum Opus
Table of Contents:
1. Meet Chyta
2. Chyta has some uninvited party guests
3. Thinacy plays with dynamite
4. Kimcy breaks her glasses
5. Chyta becomes famous
6. Dinner goes bad
7. They shop at the store of doom
8. Thinacy receives an obnoxious letter
9. Chyta has an unwanted haircut
10. They find out their journey was a fake
11. This story adds up to infinity
Chyta is a... well... even she herself doesn't know! Only the Gods and Goddesses know that.
Well, at least one does.
Lamina, the goddess of all animals and creatures, even the ones unknown to us, capable of wonderful, extraordinary powers. They are called SunArmon..
And, just so you know, these are the gods and goddesses:
Father Emit, the king, god of time
Mother Erutan, the queen, goddess of nature
And their children,
Gninthgil, (Nin-thil) the oldest daughter, goddess of lightning
Erif, the oldest son, god of fire
Retaw, the middle daughter, goddess of water
Ssarg, the youngest son, god of grass
Ria, the youngest daughter, goddess of air
Rewolf, Mother Erutan's helper, goddess of flowers
Lamina, Ria's nursemaid, goddess of animals
Esor, Rewolf's helper
Pilut, Rewolf's helper
And more!
Chyta lives on Tropica, a tropical island, surrounded by a barrier, off the coast of a large, forest-covered continent called Cigam.
And, so, our story starts on a very special day for Chyta...
by Dorathy Dotson
Published by A Young Writer's Magnum Opus
Table of Contents:
1. Meet Chyta
2. Chyta has some uninvited party guests
3. Thinacy plays with dynamite
4. Kimcy breaks her glasses
5. Chyta becomes famous
6. Dinner goes bad
7. They shop at the store of doom
8. Thinacy receives an obnoxious letter
9. Chyta has an unwanted haircut
10. They find out their journey was a fake
11. This story adds up to infinity
Chyta is a... well... even she herself doesn't know! Only the Gods and Goddesses know that.
Well, at least one does.
Lamina, the goddess of all animals and creatures, even the ones unknown to us, capable of wonderful, extraordinary powers. They are called SunArmon..
And, just so you know, these are the gods and goddesses:
Father Emit, the king, god of time
Mother Erutan, the queen, goddess of nature
And their children,
Gninthgil, (Nin-thil) the oldest daughter, goddess of lightning
Erif, the oldest son, god of fire
Retaw, the middle daughter, goddess of water
Ssarg, the youngest son, god of grass
Ria, the youngest daughter, goddess of air
Rewolf, Mother Erutan's helper, goddess of flowers
Lamina, Ria's nursemaid, goddess of animals
Esor, Rewolf's helper
Pilut, Rewolf's helper
And more!
Chyta lives on Tropica, a tropical island, surrounded by a barrier, off the coast of a large, forest-covered continent called Cigam.
And, so, our story starts on a very special day for Chyta...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Mackay Cousins come over
Our 2nd cousins (meaning my mom's cousins), the Mackays, came over!!!
There is: Aunt Joanna, Uncle Andy, Brooke, Jessica and Austin.
They came late Friday night, at their hotel.
The next day, we visited with them.
First we went to the Gilbert House.
We had a lot of fun.
Then we went next door to the carousel.
I found out that they had taken my favorite horse, Magic, off to make room for a Christmas horse named "Glad Tidings".
Some hard world, huh?
We rode twice, playing the "ring game"- see older post.
Then they invited us over to their hotel to swim in their pool, and we had a lot of fun swimming there!
Then they came to our house to play and have dinner.
Frankie had a lot of fun with them, too, and vice versa.
We had homemade hamburgers and french fries with purple grapes and raw veggies.
Me and Jessica played and, with everyone else, watched Pete's Dragon.
Then we made Jessica's bed on the black "futon" in my room. We also made Austin's bed in Christopher's room and Brooke slept on the hide-a-bed in the living room.
Uncle Andy and Aunt Joanna drove back to the hotel.
We were just about to go to sleep when... pause for effect...
We all went outside to enjoy some fresh air and snowflakes, then mom read us some stories aloud, then went to bed.
When we woke up the next day (Sunday), we looked outside and guess what?
Church was canceled due to the hazardous driving conditions :(
Anyways, we had a wonderful snowday off.
Brooke and Julianna sledding down our driveway!

Dad's best friend, Bradley Jackson, came over and surprised us.
He pulled a HILARIOUS prank by walking to our house and writing SCOT on the snow in the car window and hiding.
We didn't know it was him until he came and told us, L.O.L!!!
Angel after a rough backwards sled ride!
Him and I built an awesome snowman that was too tall to last until 3:30 p.m. *sob*
Bradley rolling the snowman's head- he's so tall, we only got him up to his mouth... silly silly silly!

It was a great snowman, anyway. It was about 6 feet tall!

The Bassetts came over later and we played.
Later everyone went home.
We had dinner, watched a Book of Mormon movie, and went to bed.
There is: Aunt Joanna, Uncle Andy, Brooke, Jessica and Austin.
They came late Friday night, at their hotel.
The next day, we visited with them.
First we went to the Gilbert House.
We had a lot of fun.
Then we went next door to the carousel.
I found out that they had taken my favorite horse, Magic, off to make room for a Christmas horse named "Glad Tidings".
Some hard world, huh?
We rode twice, playing the "ring game"- see older post.
Then they invited us over to their hotel to swim in their pool, and we had a lot of fun swimming there!
Then they came to our house to play and have dinner.
Frankie had a lot of fun with them, too, and vice versa.
We had homemade hamburgers and french fries with purple grapes and raw veggies.
Me and Jessica played and, with everyone else, watched Pete's Dragon.
Then we made Jessica's bed on the black "futon" in my room. We also made Austin's bed in Christopher's room and Brooke slept on the hide-a-bed in the living room.
Uncle Andy and Aunt Joanna drove back to the hotel.
We were just about to go to sleep when... pause for effect...
We all went outside to enjoy some fresh air and snowflakes, then mom read us some stories aloud, then went to bed.
When we woke up the next day (Sunday), we looked outside and guess what?
Church was canceled due to the hazardous driving conditions :(
Anyways, we had a wonderful snowday off.
Dad's best friend, Bradley Jackson, came over and surprised us.
He pulled a HILARIOUS prank by walking to our house and writing SCOT on the snow in the car window and hiding.
We didn't know it was him until he came and told us, L.O.L!!!
Him and I built an awesome snowman that was too tall to last until 3:30 p.m. *sob*
It was a great snowman, anyway. It was about 6 feet tall!
The Bassetts came over later and we played.
Later everyone went home.
We had dinner, watched a Book of Mormon movie, and went to bed.
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