Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Capricious weather
today it SNOWED! On leap day! Right before March! Weird, huh?
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Friends- Chapter five
Chapter 5
Chyta becomes famous
Later, Chyta and her friends had run, panting, into the Forbidden Forest.
"Oh, man, now what? I can barely see a thing!" Kimcy complained. She swiveled towards Thinacy.
"Um, Kimcy?" Thinacy ventured doubtfully. "When I first met you, you weren't wearing glasses, and you could see fine!"
Kimcy's delicate white face turned rather pink. "Times change," she said, rather shortly. "Now, Thinacy, I think it's time Chyta knew what we knew about her, which isn't much more than she knows about herself, but she should know it. So, would you get out the book?"
"What was that?" Thinacy scratched her head.
"Just get out the book, will you?"
Thinacy rummaged in her leather pouch, and took out a large book bigger than the pouch itself.
"No, that's not it," Thinacy said, scowling at the book before dropping it back in, making an impossible CLUNKING noise, as if the bottom of the pouch was a long way off, and had other things in it...
"Uh... guys?" Chyta was starting to feel rather uncomfortable around these mysterious lionesses. "How did you-"
Thinacy cut her off. "Later," she simply said.
"THE BOOK, Thinacy," Kimcy reminded her, none too gently.
"Where is it..." Thinacy threw random things out of her pouch, like a rubber ducky, a pack of "Go fish" cards, and a 50-pound weight ("why is that in there?" asked Thinacy) that accidentally hit Chyta on the head, until finally finding ("Aha! Here it is!" she exclaimed) a huge, million-page (literally) book with a worn-out leather binding.
Though no doubt very old, the book was beautiful and rather magnificent.
Large golden-and-red letters titled the book:
Euvmol Rofu"
Chyta becomes famous
Later, Chyta and her friends had run, panting, into the Forbidden Forest.
"Oh, man, now what? I can barely see a thing!" Kimcy complained. She swiveled towards Thinacy.
"Um, Kimcy?" Thinacy ventured doubtfully. "When I first met you, you weren't wearing glasses, and you could see fine!"
Kimcy's delicate white face turned rather pink. "Times change," she said, rather shortly. "Now, Thinacy, I think it's time Chyta knew what we knew about her, which isn't much more than she knows about herself, but she should know it. So, would you get out the book?"
"What was that?" Thinacy scratched her head.
"Just get out the book, will you?"
Thinacy rummaged in her leather pouch, and took out a large book bigger than the pouch itself.
"No, that's not it," Thinacy said, scowling at the book before dropping it back in, making an impossible CLUNKING noise, as if the bottom of the pouch was a long way off, and had other things in it...
"Uh... guys?" Chyta was starting to feel rather uncomfortable around these mysterious lionesses. "How did you-"
Thinacy cut her off. "Later," she simply said.
"THE BOOK, Thinacy," Kimcy reminded her, none too gently.
"Where is it..." Thinacy threw random things out of her pouch, like a rubber ducky, a pack of "Go fish" cards, and a 50-pound weight ("why is that in there?" asked Thinacy) that accidentally hit Chyta on the head, until finally finding ("Aha! Here it is!" she exclaimed) a huge, million-page (literally) book with a worn-out leather binding.
Though no doubt very old, the book was beautiful and rather magnificent.
Large golden-and-red letters titled the book:
With the silver-and-blue subheading:
"Eth Nichtollic Soevrin,Euvmol Rofu"
"What in the WORLD does that all mean?" Chyta wondered, rubbing her smarting head.
"THE BOOK OF LEGENDS, The Nichtollic Version, Volume Four," Thinacy translated.
"How did you-" Thinacy cut Chyta off.
"I can read Nichtollic," She explained smoothly.
"Oh," Chyta said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "That explains a lot."
"Glad you think so," said Thinacy politely, completely missing the point. "Who's going to read, Kimcy?"
"You," Kimcy said with an air of superiority.
"And why is that?" Thinacy returned in the same tone, mimicking Kimcy.
"Because Chyta can't read, and I haven't got my glasses," she retorted angrily.
"What story?" asked Thinacy meekly.
"The one about Chyta, silly," Kimcy snapped. "Look, just read, okay?"
"Ahem." Thinacy cleared her throat.
" ' When the first Rainbow was made by...' blah, blah, blah'...and at the end of it was a pot of gold. But in the pot of gold was a SunArmon creature, like a gray lioness with green eyes. It lay among the gold pieces, with only 30 seconds to take in its surroundings, before disappearing to an unknown location'-"
"Ha!" Interrupted Chyta. "Unknown indeed!"
Thinacy glared at her before resuming to read..
" ' , never to be seen again. Whether it has any siblings or look-alikes, relatives or family, is unknown-'" Thinacy slammed the book shut.
"That was no help!" She wailed, frustrated. "Sorry, Chyta, but I guess the rest of the world doesn't know any more than we do!"
"Ah, well. Better keep moving then," said Chyta in a fake cheerful tone that hid her feelings inside: bitter disappointment.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Japanese School
There is an AWESOME Japanese school in Sheridan, for 4th to 12th grades.
They hold some Japanese traditions there, like wearing slippers or socks inside the building instead of shoes to keep the building clean.
It is like a Japanese school with modern adjustments.
They do not only speak Japanese ( English is their fluent language ), but the teachers know it, and the students are taught it.
I went there for a tour.
It was SO FUN!!! ( and I mean so,so, SO fun!!!)
I have a friend who goes to school there 5 days a week named Emma Jaegar, who is in 4th grade.
The 4th and 5th grades combine classes, so I got to be with her.
This was my classes' order:
Spelling, Exercise P.E, Math, Snack Break, Social Studies, Lunch, Playing P.E, Science, Japanese, leave.
I want to go to school there someday...
They hold some Japanese traditions there, like wearing slippers or socks inside the building instead of shoes to keep the building clean.
It is like a Japanese school with modern adjustments.
They do not only speak Japanese ( English is their fluent language ), but the teachers know it, and the students are taught it.
I went there for a tour.
It was SO FUN!!! ( and I mean so,so, SO fun!!!)
I have a friend who goes to school there 5 days a week named Emma Jaegar, who is in 4th grade.
The 4th and 5th grades combine classes, so I got to be with her.
This was my classes' order:
Spelling, Exercise P.E, Math, Snack Break, Social Studies, Lunch, Playing P.E, Science, Japanese, leave.
I want to go to school there someday...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Christopher's B-day/ BYU football
This post is kind of ... well, late-coming. It happened in October, but lazy, lazy me didn't want to post until we found the lost photos to ... well, kind of, help tell the story. And I've found them.
Kids get their picture taken with Cosmo Cougar, the BYU mascot.
Steven, Jared, Cosmo, Me, Adam
Parents couldn't resist!
Mom, Cosmo, Aunt Mary
" Steven and the birthday cupcake", can he eat it?
Lunchtime before the big game!
"Yum. Cupcakes!!!"
Family picture taken by some nice passerby.
Happy Me
The two sisters... Laura Beth and Mary Cate!
Sanford and Christopher: Big Brothers, Best Buds!
"BYU against OSU," says Grandpa. "2 horrible teams. Now we'll just find out who's worse."
Wisdom of a beloved Grandpa just cannot be denied.
The BYU cougars won, by the way.
Kids get their picture taken with Cosmo Cougar, the BYU mascot.
Steven, Jared, Cosmo, Me, Adam
Parents couldn't resist!
Mom, Cosmo, Aunt Mary
" Steven and the birthday cupcake", can he eat it?
Lunchtime before the big game!
"Yum. Cupcakes!!!"
Family picture taken by some nice passerby.
Happy Me
The two sisters... Laura Beth and Mary Cate!
Sanford and Christopher: Big Brothers, Best Buds!
Wisdom of a beloved Grandpa just cannot be denied.
The BYU cougars won, by the way.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Frankie's Birthday!
Wednesday, Feb 22nd, was my dog Frankfurter's birthday. He is now 1 year old.
Here are some cute pictures of the little girls cuddling up with Frankie.
"Hey, don't squish me!"
"Do you have any... cheese?"
Posing Puppy!!! So cute.
He is such fun. I love having Frankie for a dog.
1. Cheddar cheese
2. Snuggling with you
3. Visitors
4. Playing with my Squeaky
5. Fetching a ball
6. Bacon scraps
7. New toys
8. When "Master" gets home
9. Being with Daisy and Sunshine at Aunt Mary's farm
10. Walks
11. YOU!!!
1. Baths
2. Getting wet
3. Being scolded
4. Being lonely when you're away
5. Being scratched too roughly
6. Tail pulling
7. Pushing
8. Being held uncomfortably
9. Being thrown out in the rain
10. Neighbor boys climbing over the fence
11. Being rejected by YOU!!!
A fun puppy whom I love!!!!
"Hey, don't squish me!"
"Do you have any... cheese?"
He is such fun. I love having Frankie for a dog.
1. Cheddar cheese
2. Snuggling with you
3. Visitors
4. Playing with my Squeaky
5. Fetching a ball
6. Bacon scraps
7. New toys
8. When "Master" gets home
9. Being with Daisy and Sunshine at Aunt Mary's farm
10. Walks
11. YOU!!!
1. Baths
2. Getting wet
3. Being scolded
4. Being lonely when you're away
5. Being scratched too roughly
6. Tail pulling
7. Pushing
8. Being held uncomfortably
9. Being thrown out in the rain
10. Neighbor boys climbing over the fence
11. Being rejected by YOU!!!
A fun puppy whom I love!!!!
Friends- Chapter four
Chapter 4
Kimcy breaks her glasses
As soon as Thinacy was told the hilarious debut of why it was so funny (or, in Kimcy's opinion, bothersome, and a waste of a good plan), Thinacy groped in her pouch. There was no dynamite left.
"A waste of three perfectly good sticks of dynamite!" She moaned.
Chyta started laughing again.
"You used DYNAMITE?" She laughed. "So THAT'S what that was. Isn't that, like, a kind of BOMB? You are SO FUNNY!" More laughter.
"I dunno, she's very annoying at times," Kimcy remarked angrily.
They continued flying northwards, and they soon reached one of Cigam's beautiful beaches.
"Ah, a beach," Thinacy sighed with relief, flopping onto the warm sand. "What do you say we... stay here for a while, Chyta?"
"Yeah, sure," Chyta said slowly. "You go ahead and stay here while I find out who I am, why I'm here anyways, and how I was even born. You know, parents or what."
She started to slip away into the nearby forest, and she would have completely done so if Kimcy hadn't said, "Wait for us. We're coming with you."
"Excuse me?" Chyta turned around.
"She said, 'we're coming with you'," Thinacy repeated.
"What for?" Challenged Chyta.
"Well, you can't go alone into the-" Kimcy gulped "Forbidden Forest! You just can't."
"Can't I?" Chyta narrowed her eyes.
"We're about as interested as you as you're interested in yourself, for one thing," reasoned Thinacy.
"That is seriously doubted by the creature standing in front of you," Chyta muttered.
"Anyways, I've read le-" Kimcy stopped direction mid-word. "Well, I've heard stories " She enunciated the word carefully "about a creature like you."
"Really?" Anyone could tell that Chyta was not really interested. "I'm not famous to anyone but, well, my food, and Belize, and Thessper, and the monkeys, and..."
"Yeah, right." Thinacy rolled her eyes.
"Look, I can't really even read!"
"Blah, blah blah. Seriously Chyta, I can take a hint. You're lying."
"Am not!"
"Am too."
"Am not!"
"Am, am, AM!"
"Not, infinity! Ha!"
"Am, infinity... plus one."
"AAAARGH!!!!!" Chyta shrieked.
"Told you so," Sighed Kimcy. "I told you that she was annoying!"
This was going a bit too far with Chyta; her nerves were at breaking point.
Chyta was almost bursting with the effort not to make Thinacy pancakes with Kimcy syrup.
"I dunno." Thinacy shrugged inevitably.
Chyta felt like she was about to explode, when...
Rumble, rumble.
"What is that?" asked Kimcy worriedly.
"It must be my stomach," Offered Chyta. "I haven't eaten since lunch."
"Yeah, that must be it." Thinacy moaned. "I'm hungry, too."
There it came again... Rumble, rumble.
"That's not my stomach," said Chyta weakly.
A large timber wolf burst out of the bushes behind them.
"Aaaah! I HATE TIMBER WOLVES!" Screamed Thinacy.
The wolf growled, turning to Thinacy.
"Thinacy, I don't think he took that compliment-wise!" Kimcy shouted.
"Oops," Thinacy mumbled.
The timber wolf looked at Thinacy, snarling and licking his lips, probably anticipating a meal of three delicious whatever-they-ares.
"W-w-wait a second," gasped Thinacy, recognition flooding into her already pale blue but now paler face. "Y-you're-r-re T-Tim aren't you?" Stuttering like she did when she was scared.
"Yes that's right, 'Dinner,'" said the wolf.
"Hey," said Chyta confusedly. "Give me a moment to comprehend all of this. A talking timber wolf? Three flying lionesses? A magical island surrounded by a forcefield? This isn't making sense."
"Do you make sense?" Tim sneered. "Does she ,make sense?" (he gestured to Thinacy.) "In fact, does anyone here make sense? No one has to make sense do they?"
"Good point," Kimcy mumbled. "Thinacy never makes sense."
"Oh do I not?" Thinacy folded her arms.
"Guys, this whole book doesn't make sense," interrupted Chyta. "Don't ruin the storyline!"
In all of the contention Tim had sneaked up behind Thinacy and probably would have eaten her if he hadn't yelled "DINNERTIME!" as he lunged.
"No it's not dinnertime," was Thinacy's response, "And I think you're going the wrong way!"
She dodged out of the way, and Tim slammed into a large boulder behind her.
Chyta had climbed up a tree, and Kimcy had dug under a large rhododendron bush. Thinacy flew on top of the boulder.
Tim looked around, dazed. "Where are you little brats," he snarled. "I'll find you sooner or later... 'Dinner'."
If this last remark was meant to enrage Thinacy, it didn't work. It instead made her laugh, giving away her hiding place, which was fine for Tim.
"Losing a penny and finding a nickel," he gloated silently.
He pounced on Kimcy's bush accidentally instead of Thinacy's boulder.
Now, as you should know, Kimcy has a very quick temper and thought this 'last remark' was directed at her.
When Tim pounced, she thought of it as proof.
They tumbled around for a while.
Tim realized that Kimcy wasn't Thinacy, but he knew that Kimcy was the larger and fatter of the three, and he wasn't going to give up a meal this "tasty".
Finally, as a last resort, Tim stole Kimcy's glasses and started running.
"YOU GET BACK HERE WITH MY GLASSES! Oh that creep, now I can't even see him!" She shrieked.
When Tim passed by Chyta's tree, she pounced on him and grabbed Kimcy's glasses back, rushing to Kimcy's side and returning the stolen essentials.
"Good-bye," she said frantically, "excuse me for leaving so soon, but I'd rather not be eaten by a certain timber wolfish monstrosity present-!" And with that, she rushed off, Tim on her heels.
Kimcy rushed to Thinacy, whispering a plan in her ear. Thinacy nodded.
Unfortunately, Kimcy's glasses fell off in the process.
"Hey, little snack, my tasty victual, will you plea-" Tim didn't get any farther in his composition of a flattering (in an I'm-going-to-eat-you sort of way) paragraph to Chyta, who was currently being chased, because Thinacy started pounding him into the ground.
Of course, angering and/or humiliating Thinacy, or she witnesses you doing one to any of her friends, it can be likened to shouting in her ear with a microphone: "Hello! Please rearrange my face!"
Tim soon started dreaming of eating tasty, delectable candies in the form of pale blue, smoky gray and creamy white flying lionesses, on a cake shaped like glasses. Sadly, he fell on Kimcy's glasses, and they were soon smashed.
Kimcy breaks her glasses
As soon as Thinacy was told the hilarious debut of why it was so funny (or, in Kimcy's opinion, bothersome, and a waste of a good plan), Thinacy groped in her pouch. There was no dynamite left.
"A waste of three perfectly good sticks of dynamite!" She moaned.
Chyta started laughing again.
"You used DYNAMITE?" She laughed. "So THAT'S what that was. Isn't that, like, a kind of BOMB? You are SO FUNNY!" More laughter.
"I dunno, she's very annoying at times," Kimcy remarked angrily.
They continued flying northwards, and they soon reached one of Cigam's beautiful beaches.
"Ah, a beach," Thinacy sighed with relief, flopping onto the warm sand. "What do you say we... stay here for a while, Chyta?"
"Yeah, sure," Chyta said slowly. "You go ahead and stay here while I find out who I am, why I'm here anyways, and how I was even born. You know, parents or what."
She started to slip away into the nearby forest, and she would have completely done so if Kimcy hadn't said, "Wait for us. We're coming with you."
"Excuse me?" Chyta turned around.
"She said, 'we're coming with you'," Thinacy repeated.
"What for?" Challenged Chyta.
"Well, you can't go alone into the-" Kimcy gulped "Forbidden Forest! You just can't."
"Can't I?" Chyta narrowed her eyes.
"We're about as interested as you as you're interested in yourself, for one thing," reasoned Thinacy.
"That is seriously doubted by the creature standing in front of you," Chyta muttered.
"Anyways, I've read le-" Kimcy stopped direction mid-word. "Well, I've heard stories " She enunciated the word carefully "about a creature like you."
"Really?" Anyone could tell that Chyta was not really interested. "I'm not famous to anyone but, well, my food, and Belize, and Thessper, and the monkeys, and..."
"Yeah, right." Thinacy rolled her eyes.
"Look, I can't really even read!"
"Blah, blah blah. Seriously Chyta, I can take a hint. You're lying."
"Am not!"
"Am too."
"Am not!"
"Am, am, AM!"
"Not, infinity! Ha!"
"Am, infinity... plus one."
"AAAARGH!!!!!" Chyta shrieked.
"Told you so," Sighed Kimcy. "I told you that she was annoying!"
This was going a bit too far with Chyta; her nerves were at breaking point.
Chyta was almost bursting with the effort not to make Thinacy pancakes with Kimcy syrup.
"I dunno." Thinacy shrugged inevitably.
Chyta felt like she was about to explode, when...
Rumble, rumble.
"What is that?" asked Kimcy worriedly.
"It must be my stomach," Offered Chyta. "I haven't eaten since lunch."
"Yeah, that must be it." Thinacy moaned. "I'm hungry, too."
There it came again... Rumble, rumble.
"That's not my stomach," said Chyta weakly.
A large timber wolf burst out of the bushes behind them.
"Aaaah! I HATE TIMBER WOLVES!" Screamed Thinacy.
The wolf growled, turning to Thinacy.
"Thinacy, I don't think he took that compliment-wise!" Kimcy shouted.
"Oops," Thinacy mumbled.
The timber wolf looked at Thinacy, snarling and licking his lips, probably anticipating a meal of three delicious whatever-they-ares.
"W-w-wait a second," gasped Thinacy, recognition flooding into her already pale blue but now paler face. "Y-you're-r-re T-Tim aren't you?" Stuttering like she did when she was scared.
"Yes that's right, 'Dinner,'" said the wolf.
"Hey," said Chyta confusedly. "Give me a moment to comprehend all of this. A talking timber wolf? Three flying lionesses? A magical island surrounded by a forcefield? This isn't making sense."
"Do you make sense?" Tim sneered. "Does she ,make sense?" (he gestured to Thinacy.) "In fact, does anyone here make sense? No one has to make sense do they?"
"Good point," Kimcy mumbled. "Thinacy never makes sense."
"Oh do I not?" Thinacy folded her arms.
"Guys, this whole book doesn't make sense," interrupted Chyta. "Don't ruin the storyline!"
In all of the contention Tim had sneaked up behind Thinacy and probably would have eaten her if he hadn't yelled "DINNERTIME!" as he lunged.
"No it's not dinnertime," was Thinacy's response, "And I think you're going the wrong way!"
She dodged out of the way, and Tim slammed into a large boulder behind her.
Chyta had climbed up a tree, and Kimcy had dug under a large rhododendron bush. Thinacy flew on top of the boulder.
Tim looked around, dazed. "Where are you little brats," he snarled. "I'll find you sooner or later... 'Dinner'."
If this last remark was meant to enrage Thinacy, it didn't work. It instead made her laugh, giving away her hiding place, which was fine for Tim.
"Losing a penny and finding a nickel," he gloated silently.
He pounced on Kimcy's bush accidentally instead of Thinacy's boulder.
Now, as you should know, Kimcy has a very quick temper and thought this 'last remark' was directed at her.
When Tim pounced, she thought of it as proof.
They tumbled around for a while.
Tim realized that Kimcy wasn't Thinacy, but he knew that Kimcy was the larger and fatter of the three, and he wasn't going to give up a meal this "tasty".
Finally, as a last resort, Tim stole Kimcy's glasses and started running.
"YOU GET BACK HERE WITH MY GLASSES! Oh that creep, now I can't even see him!" She shrieked.
When Tim passed by Chyta's tree, she pounced on him and grabbed Kimcy's glasses back, rushing to Kimcy's side and returning the stolen essentials.
"Good-bye," she said frantically, "excuse me for leaving so soon, but I'd rather not be eaten by a certain timber wolfish monstrosity present-!" And with that, she rushed off, Tim on her heels.
Kimcy rushed to Thinacy, whispering a plan in her ear. Thinacy nodded.
Unfortunately, Kimcy's glasses fell off in the process.
"Hey, little snack, my tasty victual, will you plea-" Tim didn't get any farther in his composition of a flattering (in an I'm-going-to-eat-you sort of way) paragraph to Chyta, who was currently being chased, because Thinacy started pounding him into the ground.
Of course, angering and/or humiliating Thinacy, or she witnesses you doing one to any of her friends, it can be likened to shouting in her ear with a microphone: "Hello! Please rearrange my face!"
Tim soon started dreaming of eating tasty, delectable candies in the form of pale blue, smoky gray and creamy white flying lionesses, on a cake shaped like glasses. Sadly, he fell on Kimcy's glasses, and they were soon smashed.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Friends- Chapter three
Chapter 3:
Thinacy plays with dynamite
Thinacy quickly rolled over in thin air, and not a moment too soon. A helicopter had been zooming straight a her!
"Not good, not GOOD," she gasped. "It's those helicopters again!"
Kimcy frantically turned to Chyta.
"This is all your fault, Chyta, with your stupid 'get us out of here' spell!" She yelled hastily in her anger.
"You ASKED for it, Kimcy!" Chyta responded hotly, glaring at her.
"We can't fight," Said Thinacy desperately. "We mustn't, not now!"
They paused, considering the dangers that they were already in.
Why add to this confusion? Kimcy thought.
Oh, how did I let myself get into this? Thought Chyta.
"All right," They called together, over the frightful whirring noise that the helicopters made.
"I have a plan," said Kimcy, "But we all have to do it together or it won't work! Now, this is my plan..."
She whispered something in their ears, but Thinacy didn't hear properly. When Kimcy finished, they both nodded.
Kimcy's plan was this:
They would tease the helicopters to the center of the sky, and at the last moment, they would fly out from in between the helicopters when their guns were about to fire, and, by the time they noticed, it would be too late. The helicopters would destroy themselves!
It was an excellent plan, but Thinacy only knew that she was supposed to trick them to the center, and not even that they were not supposed to hurt them, and only let them hurt themselves! And this was the plan's undoing.
Each took charge of one helicopter and distracted it, lulling them to the center of the sky.
"Nyah, nyah, nah nah, nyah," sung Chyta, flying lazily in front of her helicopter, towards the center.
To trick hers, Kimcy was making silly faces.
For hers, Thinacy was... hacking with an axe?!
"Thinacy, didn't I tell you that we weren't supposed to do that?" Kimcy shrieked in Thinacy's direction.
"Oh. Sorry." Thinacy dropped the axe.
The helicopters had, by now, all been directed into the center of the sky. Thinacy, naturally, panicked. She thought Kimcy and Chyta were about to get killed! Just as the helicopter's guns were trained on Kimcy and Chyta, she pulled something out of her leather sack...
"Ready?" Said Kimcy, smirking. Chyta nodded. "G-" But she got no farther.
There was a cloud of smoke, and pieces of green helicopter steel went flying down to the island, bouncing off the barrier.
"Thinacy?" Kimcy asked, her voice dangerously calm. "Just what are you doing?"
Chyta stared at Thinacy, dumbfounded, stunned into silence.
"Blowing up helicopters," answered Thinacy casually.
Another cloud of smoke, more helicopter fragments. Kimcy took a closer look. She saw the word DYNAMITE on a burning stick as Thinacy threw it.
"THINACY!!!" Screeched Kimcy furiously, among more smoke and pieces of green helicopter.
Chyta couldn't help laughing. She rolled over with mirth.
"What?" Thinacy didn't get it.
Thinacy plays with dynamite
Thinacy quickly rolled over in thin air, and not a moment too soon. A helicopter had been zooming straight a her!
"Not good, not GOOD," she gasped. "It's those helicopters again!"
Kimcy frantically turned to Chyta.
"This is all your fault, Chyta, with your stupid 'get us out of here' spell!" She yelled hastily in her anger.
"You ASKED for it, Kimcy!" Chyta responded hotly, glaring at her.
"We can't fight," Said Thinacy desperately. "We mustn't, not now!"
They paused, considering the dangers that they were already in.
Why add to this confusion? Kimcy thought.
Oh, how did I let myself get into this? Thought Chyta.
"All right," They called together, over the frightful whirring noise that the helicopters made.
"I have a plan," said Kimcy, "But we all have to do it together or it won't work! Now, this is my plan..."
She whispered something in their ears, but Thinacy didn't hear properly. When Kimcy finished, they both nodded.
Kimcy's plan was this:
They would tease the helicopters to the center of the sky, and at the last moment, they would fly out from in between the helicopters when their guns were about to fire, and, by the time they noticed, it would be too late. The helicopters would destroy themselves!
It was an excellent plan, but Thinacy only knew that she was supposed to trick them to the center, and not even that they were not supposed to hurt them, and only let them hurt themselves! And this was the plan's undoing.
Each took charge of one helicopter and distracted it, lulling them to the center of the sky.
"Nyah, nyah, nah nah, nyah," sung Chyta, flying lazily in front of her helicopter, towards the center.
To trick hers, Kimcy was making silly faces.
For hers, Thinacy was... hacking with an axe?!
"Thinacy, didn't I tell you that we weren't supposed to do that?" Kimcy shrieked in Thinacy's direction.
"Oh. Sorry." Thinacy dropped the axe.
The helicopters had, by now, all been directed into the center of the sky. Thinacy, naturally, panicked. She thought Kimcy and Chyta were about to get killed! Just as the helicopter's guns were trained on Kimcy and Chyta, she pulled something out of her leather sack...
"Ready?" Said Kimcy, smirking. Chyta nodded. "G-" But she got no farther.
There was a cloud of smoke, and pieces of green helicopter steel went flying down to the island, bouncing off the barrier.
"Thinacy?" Kimcy asked, her voice dangerously calm. "Just what are you doing?"
Chyta stared at Thinacy, dumbfounded, stunned into silence.
"Blowing up helicopters," answered Thinacy casually.
Another cloud of smoke, more helicopter fragments. Kimcy took a closer look. She saw the word DYNAMITE on a burning stick as Thinacy threw it.
"THINACY!!!" Screeched Kimcy furiously, among more smoke and pieces of green helicopter.
Chyta couldn't help laughing. She rolled over with mirth.
"What?" Thinacy didn't get it.
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