Sunday, August 7, 2011

The teeth X-amination

I've lost 3 teeth in 3 months... all canines!  How probable is that?

Month 1# 
Mom read an Alaskan story about an Eskimo. 
 I wiggled  my not-so-loose tooth.   It got looser &  looser & looser.  
That night,it got so loose and tickly that I asked Dad to pull it out and he did!

Month 2# 
Athena came over for a sleepover.
We had corn chowder for dinner.
My tooth was so loose, I couldn't chew the ham.
The next morning (Dad was at work the night before) Dad pulled it out quick as lightning!

Month 3#
I went to Olive Garden the night before. 
 The food was so filling, there was leftovers!
After the Dallas Summerfest parade, I went home and had leftovers for lunch.
The leftovers were bread sticks and Fettuccine Alfredo w/ grilled chicken.
My tooth was so loose, it came out in the bread stick! 

In the excitement of all these events, there were no pictures:(

Posted by the (almost) canine-less Dorathy!!!!!!!!!   


1 comment:

  1. My other canine is loose now...
    I'll be updating this post soon...!
