Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Artist In The Making

My sister Julianna is only 2 yrs. old and she is potty trained, very capable of speech, and is already saying her own prayers.  Yesterday she made a whole bunch of glue-and-glitter (and dyed noodle) collages.  She did them all by herself ( okay, I helped a little, but that isn't the point.)!
They were on colored paper.  Julianna was squirting glue on paper and squealing up a storm, saying "Squeeze, squeeze!" And looking very pleased with herself.  I only put on the noodles, because she was obviously only interested in "squeeze!"
  She was making dots and faces with the glue and was counting them, like this: "One.  One eye. Two.  Two eye." 
 I took millions ( okay, maybe I am exaggerating a teeny teeny teeny   bit.) of pictures: 

                                               "Squeeze, Ha-hee!

                                   I obviously loved this one-

                                         Couldn't get enough here either!

                            The Process-  I'm glittering it.
I am so proud of my sister!                                                                                                         POSTED BY DORATHY!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for taking good care of your sisters and playing with them. I love seeing how kind and thoughtful you are with them when you're teaching. Good job, big sister!
